Thursday, March 05, 2009

USA wants Russia to Help in Afghanistan!

In a bizarre twist, the USA is now seeking Russian aid in the war in Afghanistan (apparently since Britain, France and Germany all are backing away from the insanity). What could be more Orwellian than Russian and American troops fighting side by side against Afghanis (insurgents, mujahideen, Taliban, village boys and old men)?

Before we forget, let's recall the horrors of the Soviet War:

1 million Afghans dead
5 million displaced as refugees
2 million displaced within the country
1.2 million disabled
Mass environmental damage
Mass carpet bombing of cities such as Kandahar
10-15 million landmines left as a "gift" for Afghanis
High child mortality (30%)
67% of surving children malnurished

So, now Obama/Clinton are seeking Russian participation. Certainly, this isn't to woo the hearts and minds of Afghanis. Many of the young men the proposed coalition army will engage were no doubt young children during the Soviet occupation (or at least born in the horrific aftermath).

The Rose Crescent House of Peace asks that countries engage the peoples of Afghanistan in such a way that suffering to humans, animals and the environment is minimized and general happiness for the Afghan people is maximized.

It should be understood that the Taliban, however repugnant, is not al-Qaeda. This is the mistake that the Bush administration made and that the Obama administration is beginning to make.

Afghanistan is not the major security threat facing the West or America. The real threats are: global inequality, poverty, environmental damage and collapse, water shortages, global food prices, species extinction, human traffiking, organized crime, proliferation of small arms, oppression of women, corporate greed, etc.

Is terrorism a danger? Of course it is - as is piracy. But it pales in comparison to the real issues facing the world. The War against Afghanistan is a distraction from what the real issues are.

We pray that the world's leaders realize this.

So mote it be!

If you are a member of the Rose Crescent, here is the latest recommendation of what you can do:

1. Enter the celestial temple
2. Hold an image of a world leader in your mind
3. Place that person in Afghanistan
4. Send him/her thoughts of peace
5. Send her/him an image of the scale of balance


Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Rethink Afghanistan

The Rose Crescent House of Peace endorses much of the new film by Brave New films on Afghanistan. The recent position paper circulated by the House of Peace calls on the USA to immediately cease all unmanned drone attacks inside of Pakistan.

Moreover, the Rose Crescent position on Afghanistan is that further military escalation will push thousands more into the Taleban camp.

We put forward that the Taleban theology is un-Islamic. However, its defeat must take place within the realm of theology and not bullets.

We categorically assert that the USA is in danger of starting down a road of genocide against the Pashtun people. As more Pashtuns take up arms in defense of their villages, the war will continue to escalate.

We do not call on the USA to cease operations because, as some believe, the war cannot be won by the Americans. Whether or not the USA can defeat the Taleban is irrelevant. Our call is based on the cost of human life, the destruction of what is left in Afghanistan, and the destruction of the environment that will result from operations that will quickly move from fighting the Taleban to fighting Pashtuns.

If the Obama administration moves forward with its operations, we predict that the "surge" will continue upwards to 100,000 USA troops; we predict that over a million Pashtuns will be killed or severely injured; that alternatives to the Taleban will be completely destroyed; and that the environment will be further degraded (through uranium munitions, aerial spraying of opium crops, etc), further eroding life in Afghanistan - and thus fueling extremist groups such as the Taleban.

Interview with Ambassador Zia:

Question: You say that the Taliban cannot be defeated.

Zia: That is not what I said. Of course, anyone can be defeated. Drop enough bombs and they are dead. No. That is not the point at all. That is what those people who are caught up in machoism, on both sides, want to say.

Question: Why?

Zia: Why? They want to romantize the Taleban and the Afghan people as warriors for their own ends. They will portray them as "Indians" who were then beaten by an even more fierce people, the Americans, something the Soviets couldn't do. So, in the end, the Pashtuns are used by everyone for chest pounding purposes.

Question: What about the House of Peace's recent call for America to cease the military expansion.

Zia: Yes. That was the right call, I believe. Inschallah, it will be heeded.

Question: Do you think more people will go over to the Taliban if the war escalates?

Zia: Of course. Who are the Taliban? If you are Pashtun, they are your cousins. You speak the same language. You grew up with them. Look, when the warlords were all killing each other after the Russians left, everyone was happy the Taleban came in.

Question: So what should people do? Just give up and embrace them?

Zia: No. No one is saying that. But no one in the West is listening to us either. That is why I came to this meeting of the Rose Crescent here in London. So that I could tell you what we are thinking.

Question: Thank you Mr. Zia. And may the blessings of Allah be upon you and your family.

Zia: And upon you.


Sunday, March 01, 2009

Comet Lulin and the New Teacher

There has been much recent excitement regarding the new teacher that has been born and the omen of her/his appearance by the comet.

We need to clarify that the new teacher is not a new prophet, but will serve as an exalted world Imam or mufti. S/he is an apostle of the Prophet.

Born this month, s/he will make her/his debut on the world stage around the year 2038 at the age of 30.

S/he will provide the right medicine needed for the world at that time.