Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Seasons of our Life

Have you ever wondered at the miracle of how our life unfolds? Did you know that our spirits unfold within our bodies in cycles of seven years and enfolded within the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter? Let us look at the narrative of human life here on earth:

Each season has three divisions of seven years within it.

Spring (birth to 21). This is the time of budding, play, exploration, development, imagination, learning, etc. This is the time of the child, maiden, page

Birth to age 7 = early spring (circa March)

7 - 14 = mid-spring (circa April)

14 - 21 = late spring (circa May)

Summer (21 - 42). This is the time where the human develops his/her purpose, strength, creates a family. This is the time of the mother, father, warrior/warrioress. This is the time of building, gathering, hunting, cultivating.

21 - 28 = early summer (circa June)

28 - 35 = mid summer (circa July)

35 - 42 = late summer (circa August)

Autumn (42 - 62). This is the time for wisdom, kingship / queenship, mentoring of others, passing on knowledge, service to others. It is the time of harvesting, helping new "trees and plants" take root, creating an infrastructure that can last for generations to come. This is the time of the elder.

42 - 49 = early autumn (circa Sept)

49 - 56 = mid autumn (circa Oct)

56 - 62 = late autumn (circa Nov)

Winter (62 - 84). This is the time of the hermit, the priest/priestess, the artist, the storyteller, the keeper of knowledge. It is the time of wisdom and reflection. It is the time for the great preparation to transition from the body to the Kingdom of Light.

62 - 69 = early winter (circa Dec)

69 - 76 = mid winter (circa Jan)

76 - 84 = late winter (circa Feb)

Several things should be pointed out. First, from a numerological study, we should take notice of both the number 7 and the number 12. Our bodies are designed to completely replace every cell every 7 years. We do not have the same body in one period as we do in another. Just as there are seven days in a week, so too there are seven chakras. The total number allotted by Allah for the human life span is 84 years (or 7 x 12). Note that Jesus had 12 disciples, there were 12 tribes of Israel, the Zodiac has 12 houses.

Secondly, many people wonder about the unfolding of their own lives. A good method of reflection is to review your life to this point. See how it compares to the seasons. Ask yourself what lessons you have learned during each season. Bring yourself today into harmony with your chart? Are you living in accord with the "truth" of your present season? Plan for your future by considering the season before you.

Finally, take time to observe each month and to correlate the outer world of nature and its movements to your own inner world.


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