Sunday, August 20, 2006

Bibi Fatima - The Rose Garden

Tradition tells us that Fatima had a rose garden in Medina. According to the Rose Crescent, the following tale describes the origin of Bibi Fatima's first rose garden.

And when Fatima, beloved daughter of the Prophet (pbuh), was just a young girl she was walking outside upon a sandy rocky field. And her heart ached that the ground was dry and parched. And the Spirit of Wisdom looked with mercy upon her. And the wind began to blow. And suddenly four seeds appeared in her hand. And her heart was filled with joy.

And the young Bibi Fatima carefully placed the four seeds in the ground, digging a small hole with her fingers. And bending close, she watered them with her saliva.

And the spirits of the dew smiled upon her and visited the seeds each morning.

And slowly the seeds began to sprout.

And the ummah gathered about, amazed that four thorn bushes had sprung from that parched earth.

And when the moon was full, and the spirits of the dew had worked their magic, the four bushes bloomed four roses – white, red, blue and gold.

And the young Bibi Fatima sat amongst the flowers.

And the Spirit of Wisdom joined her and said.

“Beloved child:

“The white rose holds the power and secret of intuition, gently spirituality, and the feminine powers. Use this rose to heal those who are injured and in want.”

“The red rose holds the gift of creativity and spontaneity. Use the red rose to temper the patriarchy that you will encounter, where brother shall raise sword upon brother, and men will create dogmas to oppress others.”

“The blue rose holds the secret of discernment. Use the blue rose to teach the people of the earth to guide their intentions in the world – in the service of helping all and harming none.”

“The gold rose holds the force of regeneration. Use the gold rose to restore balance, bringing male and female, enemy and friend, lover and beloved, master and slave, powerful and powerless, human and animal, rich and poor, oppressor and oppressed together as one – united in the common purpose of peace, love and prosperity.”

To learn more about Fatima, click here.


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