Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Qur'an Surah III: 51-53 True Christians are Muslims

Jesus said: "It is Allah who is my Lord and your Lord; Then worship Allah. This is a way that is straight."

We find in the words of the Prophet Jesus, PBUH, clear testimony that all beings, no matter how exalted in the universe, or how divergent in their paths, have the same One Lord. The Apostle Jesus testifies that Allah is "my Lord and your Lord." It is a statement that is not based on the views or opinions of humans, or the particular religious affiliation. There is only One Lord, and that One Lord is the Lord of All.

After finding unbelief in them (meaning a rejection of the the Oneness of God who is God of All), he said: "Who will be my helpers to do God's work? [Some in the crowd answered]: "We are God's helpers. We believe in God and bear witness that we are Muslims."

There are a couple of interesting points here that we should meditate on: First, God (the Light) invites us to serve as helpers. To be a disciple of Jesus is to help the Light to manifest in this dense world of matter. Our duty as disciples of Jesus is to pull Spirit down into Matter while raising matter up towards Spirit. This is the work of a helper. Second, by progressing on this path of being a helper, one becomes a Muslim, namely: one who has entered into a state of surrender. To be a Muslim is a totalizing existential state.

Both mainstream Christians and Muslims should take heed from these sections of the Holy Qur'an. Both groups make the mistake of how one becomes a "disciple." Evangelical Christians mistakenly believe it is a matter of simple belief in the work of Christ on the cross, when in fact it is about becoming a co-worker with Jesus. Most Muslims today mistakenly believe that one is a Muslim if one adopts a certain dress code, performs prayers in a certain way, keeps the law, customs. In fact, being a Muslim is to be in a state of complete surrender from within the heart. We Muslims must move from the exterior to the interior; we Christians must move from simple phrases that excuse oneself to acts or deeds of kindness and compassion in this world.

Christians and Muslims yoked together could prove to be a powerful force against the forces of darkness.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Iran to ban dogs

Question: It has come to the public eye that the government of Iran may attempt to ban people from owning dogs. Apparently stray dogs are often rounded up from the streets and then killed. What is the Rose Crescent position on the ownership of dogs?

Habib Ullah: The killing of God's creatures is a horrible act and is contrary to Islam.

Question: Many Iranian Mullah's claim it is because dogs are considered "unclean."

Habib Ullah: That is why they shouldn't eat them. Many things are unclean, but it doesn't give anyone permission to kill them or forbid people from owning them.

Question: So Islam allows you to own a dog?

Habib Ullah: Of course. The Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, loved all animals. As humans we are caretakers of what belongs to Allah. We are on this earth to provide care and compassion. If you care for a dog, or cat, it is counted as a great blessing for you and is written down.

Question: You said the Prophet loved all animals.

Habib Ullah: According to very reliable tradition, the Prophet, PBUH, once said: "A prostitute was forgiven her sins because when she passed by a tired and thirsty dog who was panting heavily at a well, and who was about to die from dehydration, removed her shoe, and fastening it to her veil, drew some water out of the well for the dog. And because of this act she was forgiven."

Imagine that. Years of prostitution forgiven by a single act of rescuing a thirsty dog!

Question: What do you say to the clerics who persist in their hate of dogs?

Habib Ullah: I would tell them that years of keeping their beards at proper length will not save them from the hellfire of hurting a single dog. If saving a dog gains you forgiveness, then hurting a dog incurs wrath.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Qur'an Surah III:55 Jesus and Interfaith

Behold! Allah has said: "O Jesus! I will raise you to myself and cleanse you of all false doctrines of those who blaspheme; I will make those who follow you above those who reject you, until the Day of Resurrection. Then shall all people (of all faiths) Return to me, and I will judge between you about the matters that you dispute."

In this ayat is a powerful message. First, it is a call for unity among the peoples of this world (specifically in the context the children of Abraham). Secondly, Allah sets out a covenant with Jesus that will last until the Day of Resurrection. Thirdly, all doctrinal disputes that lead to strife are to be handed over to Allah.

We at the Rose Sufi Crescent encourage all of our Muslim, Christian, Jewish brethren to join together in peace. This Easter let us celebrate together the mission of the great teacher and prophet, Jesus of Nazareth.