Saturday, August 26, 2006

Sunflower Queen and Consort Bumble Bee

I dance with my friends about the barn
Darting in and out
Playing in the first summer light
I am the mighty Bumble Bee

Mid-summer light emerges
I notice a beautiful green plant rising from the earth
She reaches up towards heaven
Stretching everyday with amazing speed
I soar about her, wondering
Could it be?
I have heard legends of her
Tales told by those now gone

She reaches up
Higher and higher
Her leaves broaden
I watch her unfold – morning, noon and twilight
Her gorgeous head begins to open
Beautiful giant yellow petals
She turns towards the sun
She is the Queen of the summer garden
She is the faerie of the Sunflower

I dance about her
Her fragrance intoxicates me
Her yellow leaves enchant me
At night I must return to my hive, waiting
Waiting for the morning sun
Knowing that she shall be there next to the old barn
Bewitching me
I dare not be without her – even for a moment

I tell her tales
I sample her nectar
She delights me
I rest upon her crown, guarding her

This morning I see no sun
Spirits of the Thunderbeings beat their drums
Flashes of lightning
Dark sky
In such weather even mighty Bumble Bees dare not fly

There she stands

The storm begins
The first rain

The wind begins to beat against her
Oh my Queen
What happened to the mighty Bumble Bee?

What’s that?
Trumpet vine has taken hold of her

The wind continues to whip
Dark clouds

Where is she now?
Who has taken my lady of the garden?

I buzz about
Does anyone hear my shout?
Our cry
Our pain
I fly to her – holding on to her crown
The wind and rain whips us

The wind stops
There she is
Head bent
Cocoon like

Ants march upon her
Where did they come from?
Friend or foe?
I do not know

It seems the storm has passed
Or has it?

My Lady, Queen, Sunflower
Ever beautiful
The sun shines again

But what of the summer

Legends tell that the summer must one day come to an end
Winter’s coming
But when?

The world appears anew
I dance about her

-whirling -- whirling -- whirling
Hold her crown
Breathe her fragrance
Intoxicated even more than before

But what of the winter?

Legends say…The old ones now gone
We shall one day walk their way

- Together
- Near or far
- Who's to say?

But now the sun doth shine
And she
Oh she
My Lady
She is mine


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