Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Jesus and the Imam Mahdi

The other day we received reports that an individual claiming to be the Imam Mahdi had plans to attack the ulama in Najaf.

Yes. This was very unfortunate and sad. There were even women and children amongst those who were killed.

It was a real tragedy. The House of Peace issued a fatwa that all people claiming to be the Imam Mahdi are impostors.

Yes. We are expecting the return of Jesus Christ. When he returns he will be universally recognized as the Messiah, Christ and Imam Mahdi by Jews, Christians and Muslims. He will bring the entire Abrahamic Faith together, and then reach out in peace and love to Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, atheists, agnostics, pagans and others, uniting the entire world.

Will he accomplish this through violence?

The Bible says that “he will lead the nations with an iron rod,” implying an element of violence. However, our own Rose Crescent tradition states that he will overcome through non-violence and peace (much as Gandhi and Badsha Khan overcame the British).

Weren't these two great men foreshadowings of the Imam Mahdi?

One could say that.

Many Shiite ulama claim that the Imam Mahdi will be accompanied by Jesus, but is in actuality the 12th Imam.

We disagree. According to our understanding the Mahdi and Jesus (who is, in fact, Michael the Archangel) is the same being. In reality, it is the Archangel Michael that will descend.

You mentioned that we are currently living under the spiritual direction of Fatimah Um Abi Ha, the manifestation of the Spirit of Wisdom.

The Spirit of Wisdom (and everyone should read Proverbs 8 to get a little better insight into her) has always been with humanity in various incarnations. Generally, we divide her manifestations into pre-Mohammedan and post- Mohammedan.

Could you give us some examples?

Pre-Mohammedan manifestations included Eve, Isis, Sheba, Kuan Yin, Miriam (the mother of Moses), Mary (the mother of Jesus), Mary (the lover of Jesus) and Khadija (the wife of the Prophet).

And post- Mohammedan?

Our present period has included Fatimah (who assumed the function as Queen of Heaven, standing at the gates of paradise), Aisha (who currently sits as the right hand of the Prophet), Rabia (who walks the earth as a spiritual ambassador of Fatimah, helping those (human, animal or jinn who call upon the Spirit of Wisdom for assistance, care and guidance), Zaynab bint 'Ali (who prays and cares for those who suffer injustice, malice and torture), Hildegard von Bingen, Teresa of Avila, Tahirih Qurratu'l-'Ayn and most recently Peace Pilgrim.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Iraqi cult leader killed in Najaf battle


The Rose Crescent House of Peace denounces all individuals claiming to be the Imam Mahdi as impostors. Muslims and Sufis (along with Christians and Jews) joyously await the triumphant return of Jesus Christ, the Messiah and Spirit of God, who was taken into heaven from Golgotha. Imam Jesus, who is currently in occultation in Bakka, will declare himself to be the Mahdi in Damascus (not Najaf).

Anyone claiming to be the Mahdi is either deluded or has evil intentions.

According to the Rose Crescent tradition Imam Mahdi (aka Jesus) will not carry the sword, or slay the ulama, but instead will return with the palm branch, overcoming through non-violence and pacifism. Through the power of Love and Peace he will quicken the hearts and lead all peoples (Jews, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, atheists, pagans, polytheists) to recognize the Kingdom on earth.

So mote it be!

For those unfamiliar with Islam, Muslims recognize that we are currently living in the time between the Manifestation of the Logos-Rasul in the person of the Prophet Muhammad and the return of Jesus Christ as Imam Mahdi. According to the Rose Crescent tradition, this period is under the spiritual direction of Queen of Heaven, Fatimah Um Abi Ha, physical daughter and Spiritual Mother of the Prophet (PBUH).

Manifestations of the Spirit of Wisdom (read Proverbs 8) are divided into their pre and post Muhammad incarnations (including but not limited to):

Prior to Muhammad (PBUH): Eve, Isis, Kuan Yin, Queen Sheba, Miriam (mother of Moses), Mary (mother of Jesus), Mary (lover of Jesus) and Khadija (wife and lover of Muhammad).

After Muhammad (PBUH): Fatimah, Aisha, Rabia Al-Adiwiyya, Hildegard von Bingen, Teresa of Avila and Tahirih Qurratu'l-'Ayn.

Quran Surah 2:26 - Sufism and Shapeshifting

In Surah 2:26 the Archangel Gabriel revealed that:

"The Light disdains not to use the similitude of things Lowest as well as things Highest."

The passage reveals the fact that God (the Light, Source, Depth, Being) appears in ALL things, be they the "lowest" (an insect) or the "highest" (the sun, moon, earth, stars, wind, mountain, etc). The Light manifests in all things, as Baha'u'llah further tells us: "there is not even an atom in which God is not."

Sufis understand this. When we encounter the world (e.g. a flower, insect or behold the magnificience of the sunrise) we know, and tremble with awe and respect, before those things - for they are the manifestation of Allah.

The ultimate shapeshifter is Allah, appearing in all things. But the Sufi too, like the shaman, may master the technique of shapeshifting, discovering the essence of a thing (plant, animal, element, star, planet, etc) and then, shedding her or his body, take on that similitude.

The historical accounts reveal that many Sufis could turn into animals, birds or the wind at will.

How is this accomplished?

Say "Bismallah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim"
Perform ablutions
Light a candle on your alter
Cover your eyes
Breathe deeply and count backwards

When you are ready

1. Know that all things are connected.
2. Know that at the ultimate level there is only the Source.
3. Form a clear mental image of the thing you intend to shapeshift into (e.g. a bird, tiger, water)
4. Focus on the One - the unity and Source of All things
5. Imagine the blue sky or the blackness of space
6. Feel yourself rising out of your body and moving into that space
7. Allow yourself to "shed" all your images of yourself and the things you believe yourself to be
8. Go deeper into that void
9. Suddenly recall the image of the thing you intend to become
10. Feel yourself shifting into that shape
11. Now you are that!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Aisha and the Karkadann

From the Secret Sayings:

1. “And it came to pass in those days that the mighty Karkadann roamed through the hills and deserts of Arabia.”

The Karkadann is a magickal beast with the body and horn of a rhinoceros and the tail and mouth of a lion. It is known to live several thousand years. The Karkadann has a variety of magickal powers, including an ability to fly, to swiftly leap leagues within the blink of an eye, to appear or disappear at will and to savagely defeat any foe – physical or astral.

With its crescent shaped horn it is able to destroy evil wizards and pernicious monsters of the infernal regions.

Yet the Karkadann is no natural friend to man. Enraged to anger by human inclination towards the destruction of the environment and abuse of animals, the Karkadann seeks vengeance by destroying crops, villages and wayward wanders.

2. “So it came to pass that one day an enraged Karkadann, angered by the people’s insolence and reckless killing of wild camel herds, ferociously wandered the land, trampling wanderers and destroying villages.”

3. “And the people cried out in fear. Bedouin turned to their old sorcerers for spells that might ward off the Karkadann. The followers of Moses called upon those who had been trained in the secret arts for help. The followers of Jesus prayed for his protection. And the ummah circled about Muhammad, fearing to leave the vicinity of the House, lest the Karkadann catch them."

4. "And Abu Bakr placed strong armed guards around the village, ordering the women not go out – not even to tend the crops. Nor were the boys allowed to tend the herds."

5. "And the People of the Book, along with those who worshipped the Old Ones, fell into a deep despair."

6. "And during the night the angry wild bellows of the Karkadann could be heard."

7. "And the People gathered in their houses of worship, fearful, calling upon the Almighty for aid. But no one could turn the Karkadann away."

8. "One morning, as the sun had risen, and with the morning prayers completed, the young Aisha, on her 10th birthday, took her flute in hand and stole out of the village, wandering away from the Prophet and her father, who were locked in disputation."

9. "And she passed by the guards unseen."

10. "Running into the hills, she sat upon a cliff. And lo, an old man, a wizened man, with long beard and flowing gowns, holding a staff in his hand, appeared behind her."

“Fear not,” he said.

“Who are you?”

“I am Al Khidr. Come girl. Over that hill is a pool of water. Go to it and drink deeply,” he ordered, and then vanished.

11. "Having heard tales of jinn and angels, Aisha was thrilled by her vision and quickly climbed to the top of the hill, making her way through the large boulders until she saw the pool of water below."

12. "Having climbed down, Aisha drank from the cool waters of the pool. Wild rabbits soon joined her, allowing her to pet their smooth coats. A young camel and its mother wandered close to the pool. Aisha tip toed to the baby and gently stroked its head."

13. "And then she heard the terrifying call. It cracked the heavens in half. Birds leapt in fright from their perches. Rabbits scuttled away. A serpent slithered past her. The young camel and its mother rushed off. The sky darkened."

14. "At the top of the hill the Karkadann appeared, bellowing, smoke rising from its nostrils, its hooves pounding the ground, its fierce teeth snapping at the air."

15. "The Prophet was the first to sense the Karkadann’s appearance. Suddenly a cry went up in the village. No one had seen Aisha. Panic swept the people. The Prophet looked deeply within and saw where Aisha had gone, and saw the Karkadann charging down the path towards her, its crescent shaped horn menacing."

16. "Abu Bakr looked deeply into the Prophet’s eyes and saw the vision of danger. Grabbing their swords, they ran out of the house, but knew that there was no time to save her."

17. "Suddenly Aisha heard the old one’s whisper in the wind, telling her to take her flute and play."

18. "And Aisha began to play as the Karkadann charged towards her."

19. "Hearing the music, the magickal beast stopped in front of her. And Aisha had no fear."

20. "And the young girl began to dance before him, enchanting him. And the beast lay down before her."

21. "And after some time the young girl mounted the beast, and the Karkadann lept into the air and flew off to distant realms, where those of fire, air, water and earth do reside."

22. "And when the Prophet, Abu Bakr and the other companions, armed and ready for battle arrived at the pool there was neither a sign of Aisha nor of the Karkadann."

23. "That evening Aisha returned to the house of the Prophet. She was aglow with new powers. She told him what had happened, and that the Karkadann had been befriended."

24. "And the Prophet marveled at the young Aisha, and her new powers."

25. "Later, when the Prophet and the men went off to battle, leaving the women and elderly alone in the camps, Aisha had only to pick up her flute and play and the Karkadann would appear, ready to defend her against all raiders and enemies."

26. "And thereafter many a night Aisha, for the rest of her life, when the moon is full, Aisha would walk to the pool, play her flute, and then mount the Karkadann, riding off into distant nether lands, where she would commune with angels, jinn and spirits."

Today Aisha can be seen with spiritual eyes, dancing before the throne, riding the Karkadann and playing the flute. Those of innocent heart who would invoke her and the Karkadann for protection may do so by focusing on them and calling them into their circle.

1. Begin by lighting a candle on your alter
2. Say "Bismallah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim" in the seven directions: North, East, South, West, Bakka, World Above, World Below
3. Perform your ablutions
4. Close (cover) your eyes, breath slowly and count backwards
5. Imagine a dark screen before you
6. See a pool of water in a valley - projected onto the screen
7. Enter the screen and stand next to the pool
8. See Aisha riding the Karkadann
9. See Them ride up before you
10. Greet Aisha and the Karkadann
11. Ask them for assistance, guidance and protection
12. Listen, observe and feel their message to you
13. Thank them for their help
14. Count up to 10
15. Open you eyes
16. Perform a prayer of thanksgiving - turning to the seven directions
17. Snuff out the candle
18. In the following hours feel Aisha and Karkadann's presence about you

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Rose Crescent and Traditional Sufism

How is the Rose Crescent different from Traditional Sufism?

There are a number of ways that we differ. First, and most importantly, traditional Sufism places a heavy emphasis on reliance and adoration of the Shaykh. We disagree. All of us have a Spark of the Light within us. Our goal is to clean the dross from our mirrors so that we realize that Spark, e.g. our Higher Selves. The best guide is the Shaykh (or Teacher). But this is not a human (as misunderstood by most Sufi groups). Every individual has a Shaykh that exists as a Spirit Guide in the Higher Realms. Our goal is to meet that person, commune with him/her and gain guidance.

In addition to our personal spirit Shaykh, we also teach that each of us must enter into a personal relationship with one of the great Prophets and Manifestations of the Spirit of Wisdom (especially Fatimah). Moreover, those wishing to deepen their understanding of Sufism as it arose from ancient Egypt are encouraged to directly work with the Great Teacher Al Khidr.

Second, we reject the patrilineal elements of most Sufi groups. We do not agree with the way in which most sufi groups pass on spiritual leadership from one generation to the next.

Third, we reject the paternalistic elements, the often male dominated leadership of most groups.

Fourth, we trace our own heritage (and in fact the entire world's hidden spiritual evolution) through the Three Swans of Heaven, the Heavenly Mothers, Khadija, Aisha and Fatima back to the Prophet and then even further back to Al Khidr - and beyond him to Osiris and Isis.

Fifth, unlike some neo-Sufi groups, we draw inspiration and value the spiritual authority of the Glorious Quran (along with all of the world's sacred and revealed scriptures).

Finally, we do recognize that the Spirit of Wisdom is at work in the cosmos today, having most recently Manifested herself (in varying degrees) in a variety of male and female persons, including: Tahirih Qurratu'l-'Ayn, Baha'u'llah, Annie Besant, Rudolf Steiner, Hazrat Inayat Khan, Khail Gibran, Abdul Ghaffar Khan, Krishnamurti, Peace Pilgrim, and many others.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Bahai Persecution in Egypt

Because of the overwhelming importantce of this appeal for tolerance of the Baha'i community in Egypt, we have mirrored the Following article, a translation. The author, Mr. Is'haq El-Sheikh, who is a regular columnist in AlAyam daily (a newspaper published in Bahrain), elucidates both the true spirit of Islam (which is rapidly under attack by fundamentalists and extremists of both Sunni and Shiite persuasion) as well as the true spirit of the Baha'i Faith.

It should be noted that this journalist is not a Baha'i.

"The sublimity of this divine Bahá [glory] was reacting with and reflected by the spirit and conscience of people as a joyfulness based on the principle of the unity of humanity, aimed at creating eternal happiness in their lives and consecrating them towards establishing a just peace on the face of the globe. From light, bursts forth Al-Bahá [the glory] in an exalted illumination, ennobling the souls [of people], calling to truth in beauty, loveliness and splendour.

From the dawn of history the heavenly [Divine] and non-heavenly religions have called for love and peace for the sake of salvation and good deeds among the people...and if the three heavenly religions call for love, Al-Baha’iyyah [Baha'i Faith], as a new religion, considers that it summarises and develops the achievement [essence] of these religious ideologies and elevates them to the spirit of the age and its feature of rapidly shrinking distances between nations and peoples, placing them in a home in one small village.

Not once--since its inception--has the Bahá’í religion taken one stand against the three heavenly religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam, or any other religion. Rather, it started to spread its splendour in Bahá’u’lláh and the justice of His light, calling, reiterating and blessing--uncovering [throwing light on] the Bahá of glory of God in the heavens and on earth, through peace, love and the spreading of good-will among people.... It is as if he is repeating the Christian “Glory to God on high, peace on earth and love for all,” or the Judaic call: “Love one another, be in fellowship...thus will God love you,” or the Muhammadan call: “The doctrine of God lieth in loving people” [all paraphrased by translator]. This is what Al-Baha’iyyah means by: “This is that which hath descended from the realm of glory, uttered by the tongue of power and might, and revealed unto the Prophets of old. We have taken the inner essence thereof and clothed it in the garment of brevity, as a token of grace unto the righteous, that they may stand faithful unto the Covenant of God, may fulfill in their lives His trust, and in the realm of spirit obtain the gem of Divine virtue.”

Al-Bahaiyyah did not litter our paths with ugliness [indecency]; it did not declare hatred and enmity against our religion nor did it refute its spirit of true forbearance and tolerance; rather it has enshrined its luminous station, and cast the splendour of its enlightenment on the face of the earth in justice, love, peace and human solidarity and unity.

It was the International Declaration of Human Rights, perfected through earthly volition, promising all countries, including the Arab nations--with their customary apprehensive mistrust [sentence not completed]--that called for freedom of religion and the right of all nations to embrace a religion and a belief or not to have a belief. This, we see, is in harmony with the Muhammadan religion’s call for the right of religious freedom, and which the Holy Qur’an affirms: “You have your religion and I have mine” [paraphrased].

The purport of all of the above is to explain what has caused the indignation of all human rights proponents on the face of the earth when the sad and distressing news were reported about an oppressive and inhumane persecution of the [Egyptian] Bahá’í minority as it was deprived of the most basic of citizenship rights, following their natural right to belong to the Bahá’í religion--a right that is affirmed by all countries that are signatory to the Human Rights Convention. This has resulted in a big disappointment in the fairness of the Egyptian judiciary which has deprived them of citizenship rights. The justification for the court ruling was that the Egyptian constitution does not recognise any [religion] except the three heavenly religions: Islam, Christianity and Judaism; as though laws and constitutions, that have been superseded by life and worn out by the passage of time, are holy and irrevocable scriptures that cannot be changed for the better.

It is known that the Egyptian Bahá’í minority did not ask for the Bahá’í Faith to be recognized, even though it is one of the rights of citizenship.... Its wish was simply to be free to carry out the requirement of the civil law that they must obtain identification cards without lying about their religious beliefs. Possessing such a card is a common right to which every native born Egyptian is entitled. It is indeed very strange that the custodians of the law would themselves enforce the violation of a government policy that all citizens without exception are expected to observe.... This has been pointed out by the Bahá’í Universal House of Justice in referring to the ordeal of the Egyptian Bahá’í minority; and the Universal House of Justice rightly poses this question in this regard, saying: “But to what purpose were these three religions invoked? Was it to justify the exclusion of certain citizens from exercising their civil rights? Would this not amount to a misuse of the authority of these faiths to perpetrate an injustice that offends the high standard of justice to which they hold their adherents?” [a direct quote from the Arabic translation]. The Universal House of Justice further affirms that the ruling issued against the Egyptian Bahá’í minority in not granting the personal ID was “unreasonable not only because it is contrary to prescriptions set forth in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, to which Egypt is a signatory, but more especially because the sacred scriptures of Islam extol tolerance as a precept of social stability.”

All the democratic, enlightened and forward-thinking forces that care about the application of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights raise their voices, in solidarity and support of all religious minorities alike--those within the Judaic, Christian and Muslim religions and those without--calling for the lifting of oppression from these minorities and the integration of their citizenship in the political, social, cultural and religious life of society, the same as all citizens whose rights are upheld by the observed laws and constitutions.

The Bahá’í order is a religious, world-wide, humane, peaceful and tolerant order in its principles, rites and daily observances as well as its attitude to other religions. To wage war against it and harass it is an unethical act that contradicts the spirit of Islam and its lofty ideals of treating other religions with tolerance and humane Islamic virtues, encapsulated in the spirit of [this verse]: “Wherefore have you enslaved people when their mothers have birthed them free?” The age of slavery has gone for ever; let the hands and minds and consciences of all the religions on earth be raised up in dialogue, love and brotherly solidarity for the sake of human justice and against tyranny, persecution and enslaving other rights and religions."

The Rose Crescent House of Peace calls on the government of Egypt and the Muslim peoples of Egypt to defend the rights of the minority Baha'i community.


Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Fatimah (Toward the Eternal One)

Oh Fatimah Um Abi Ha

Turn us towards the One
- The Eternal One
- The Source
- The Depth
- The Being
- The Light
- The maker of all worlds, visible and invisible

Guide us, Oh Fatimah, daughter and mother of the Prophet, open our hearts to the Light
- You who are Queen of Paradise
- You who care for the weak, poor and suffering
- You who shelter animals
- You who tend to flowers, meadows and streams

Guide us on the Straight Path
- The Path of Peace
- The Path of Compassion
- The Path of Love

The Only Path leading to the One

So mote it be!

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Idd-e Gadir Mubarak!

The Rose Crescent joins the Ismaili worldwide community in celebrating the appointment of Ali bin Abu Talib (PBUH) by the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).

Ali, born in the Kaaba (cir. 600 A.D.), was virtually raised by the Prophet. Ali recalls that:

"The Prophet brought me up in his own arms and fed me with his own morsel. I followed him, wherever he went, like a baby-camel which follows its mother. Each day a new aspect of his character would beam out of his noble person and I would accept it and follow it as commanded."

Following his wife Khadija (PBUH), Ali was the second person to profess faith in Mohammad as Prophet. In his early twenties Ali took Muhammad's place in bed, risking assasination, and allowing the Prophet to escape to what is now called Medina.

Ali is remembered and praised by us for his loyalty and friendship to the Prophet, for having married Fatima Um Abi Ha, the Manifestation of the Spirit of Wisdom, for his great warrior attributes and for his spiritual insights. the only mistake Ali made during his career on earth is that he failed to recognize that the administrative torch had been passed to Aisha, which unfortunately (but mashallah), led to the tragic "Battle of the Elephant."

Those who make the spiritual journey to Bakka will find that today Ali sits at the right hand of the Prophet (PBUH), fellowships with the various Manifestations of the Logos-Rasul (e.g. Adam, Ibrahim, Moses, Zoroaster, Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad), dines at the head of the Saints, and remains eternally married to the Queen of Paradise, Fatima Um Abi Ha.

Together, Ali and Fatima are the eternally blessed divine couple. May all people everywhere recognize them, pay homage to them and call upon them for assistance in their own marriages - that love, peace and harmony may begin at home and extend in ever wider circles outward until the entire planet is redeemed, Inschallah.

So mote it be!

Thursday, January 04, 2007


The Book of Fatimah

Fatima Um Abi Ha*, the daughter of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)* and Saint Khadija at Tahira*, communicated on an almost daily basis with angels, spirits and jinn. As she walked about angels hovered around her. The Prophet himself recognized her position and respectfully called her “Um Abi Ha.”

Unlike Moses, Fatima* is not a law or code giver. She speaks to us through the heart. She appears to us when we have are most broken, and thus most receptive to the Spirit. She stands at the gates of paradise, welcoming sinner and saint alike. She is not one to hurl dispersions and judgments. Instead, with the gentle stroke of her hand, felt as a breeze over the heart, and the tingling upon the skin, she whispers compassion, love, peace, forgiveness and mercy.

As has been stated previously, Fatima was given a book by the angels. This was widely recognized by the Shiite, but falsely feared by the Sunnis. The book was eventually placed in occultation, and only sections of it have been slowly released over time. Those few pure saints who have connected with the Spirit of Wisdom, and opened their hearts to Fatima, have allowed her to speak through them.

A partial list of sections of the book that has been revealed as a blessing unto all mankind includes (but is not limited to):

1. “Kitab Sirr al-Asar” orally transmitted from Fatima to her companions

2. “Sayings” transmitted through Rabia

3. “Perfect Harmony” transmitted through Ibn Arabi

4. Poetry of Tahirih Qurratu'l-'Ayn

5. “The Hidden Words” transmitted through Baha’u’llah

6. "How to Know Higher Worlds" transmitted through Rudolf Steiner

7. “The Prophet” transmitted through Khalil Gibran

8. Aphorisms of Hazrat Inayat Khan

8. “The Way of Peace” transmitted through Morihei Ueshiba

9. “Steps towards Inner Peace” transmitted through Peace Pilgrim

By reading and meditating on these seven works, the disciple on the straight path of Fatimah, the true and pure path of Islam and Sufism, will find a continuity of thought and purpose, thus gaining an understanding of the message of Fatima. By reflecting deeply on each passage of each of these works the follower of Fatima will draw closer to her.

Before you read these works, light a candle, take the passage in your hand, call on Fatima to come to you, feel her loving presence, hold an image of her in your inner eye, see her, feel her presence next to you, thank her, read the passage slowly and deeply. Know that Fatima is with you.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Baha'u'llah, Fatimah and the Hidden Words

"This is that which hath descended from the realm of glory, uttered by the tongue of power and might, and revealed unto the Prophets of old. We have taken the inner essence thereof and clothed it in the garment of brevity, as a token of grace unto righteousness, that they may stand faithful unto the Covenant of God,* may fulfill in their lives his Trust, and in the realm of spirit obtain the gem of Divine virtue."

Baha'u'llah had originally entitled his short book of meditations "The Book of Fatimah." He later decided to retitle it the "Hidden Words." Baha'u'llah recognized that if he had called it "The Book of Fatimah" people might think it was the complete sayings of Fatima. He knew that he was transmitting only a portion, and the Book of Fatimah, in its entirety, would be deciminated through many trusted and chosen servants.

According to the Rose Crescent tradition, Baha'u'llah received the Spirit of Wisdom and became a Manifestation thereof (but not of the Logos-Rasul). The spirit that came to possess Baha'u'llah was essentially feminine - or "yin" - (whereas the Rasul-Logos is masculine - or "yang").

As a manifestation of the Spirit of Wisdom Baha'u'llah shared a unique and special relationship with Fatimah ('alayhi 's-salam), the daughter of the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH), allowing him to recieve much of the "Book of Fatimah," which is the hidden book of the Prophet's daughter. Baha'u'llah retitled it the "Hidden Words" so that those who are initiated into the mysteries of Fatimah would recognize it as being hers, while those of the blind orthodox would remain alienated from its splendour.

*Covenant of God refers to the covenant that each of us made with Allah prior to our incarnation.

Book of Fatima, the Kitab Sirr al-Asar and Baha'u'llah

According to Sufi esoteric knowledge, Fatima Um Abi Ha spoke with angels and received divine revelations from the Archangel Gabriel. The Archangel Gabriel began revealing the "Book of Fatimah" to the blessed daughter of Muhammad and Khadijah when she was just a child. Of the two main branches of Islam, only the Shiite have historically recognized the "Book of Fatimah" as valid.

Much of the "Book of Fatimah" has been kept hidden from the world and will be revealed slowly throughout Time as the world becomes ready for it. The "Book of Fatimah" is said to be three times as large as the Qur'an.

According to the Rose Crescent tradition several releases of sections from the "Book of Fatimah" include the "Kitab Sirr al-Asar" and the "Hidden Words":

The Kitab Sirr al-Asar, also known as the "Emerald Tablet of Hermes," is a divinely inspired treatise, and forms the first section of the "Book of Fatima."

The Kitab Sirr al-Asar was secretly passed from Fatima Um Abi HA to her closest friends and allies until it became widely dispersed by the end of the Muhammadan Dispensation of Light.* Our understanding is that the Kitab Sirr al-Asar was revealed to Fatima prior to her marriage to Ali.

A more recent release of sections of the "Book of Fatimah" came from Baha'u'llah where, under divine guidance, he reiterated sections of the book in what is now called "The Hidden Words."

Through our own records and spiritual research the Rose Crescent has validated that the above two works are authentic releases from the "Book of Fatimah."

*Approximately 180 years following the purification** of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) **The purification took place when the Prophet's (PBUH) heart was removed by angels and washed.